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Kontra- & udluftningsventiler

STRATE kontraventiler Link til Strate

En robust og servicevenlig kontraventil. Den kan leveres trykstøddæmpende.

Klappen kan udskiftes uden at ventilen skal afmonteres fra rør. Kontraventilen kan anvendes til spildevand, slam, vand, luft og gas ved temperaturer op til 250 °C.

Hus i støbejern, syrefast rustfrit stål eller coated.
Klap i butylkautschuk (standard) eller andre gummikvaliteter.

  • 100% kuglegennemgang
  • Lav modstand
  • Tilstopningsfri
  • Lukker ved lavt modtryk
  • Ingen akselgennemføring med pakning
  • Trinløs trykstødsdæmpende
  • Indbygningsmål efter "DS"

STRATE udluftningsventil type BEV

Ventilen sørger for automatisk udluftning af rørledninger eller beholdere. Den er vedligeholdelsesfri pga. den indre udformning og fordi dyserne ikke kommer i berøring med
urenhederne. Ventilen er specielt velegnet til spildevand.

Hus i støbejern (kan leveres coated eller i syrefast stål), kugle i gummibelagt aluminium, flyder i polypropylen. Dyser og holder for kontrakugler i syrefast stål.

  • Vedligeholdelsesfri
  • Mediestyret
  • Arbejder normalt op til 2 bar
  • Kan leveres til højere tryk
  • Kapacitet op til 4500 m2/h
  • The air cushion above the floats prevents disturbance of the valve seats by the pumped medium. Gases compressed by the pumping process collect in the valve housing and by displacing the pumped medium allow the opening of the second stage valve. The gases escape due to the over pressure of the system until the incoming pumped medium forces the valve to close again. This process is repeated as gas or air collects in the valve housing. The first stage valve remains closed throughout this process.

  • The air still present in the valve escapes more slowly through the second stage of the valve until the pumped medium forces the second stage float to close the valve.

  • The air cushion above the floats prevents disturbance of the valve seats by the pumped medium. Gases compressed by the pumping process collect in the valve housing and by displacing the pumped medium allow the opening of the second stage valve. The gases escape due to the over pressure of the system until the incoming pumped medium forces the valve to close again. This process is repeated as gas or air collects in the valve housing. The first stage valve remains closed throughout this process.

  • After pumping both stages open to allow ventilation. The pipe system is aerated.

  • Should the valve be equipped with an air ingress preventer the device prevents the flow of air into the pipe system. A vacuum forms in the valve housing and in the pipe system and this retains the fluid in the pipe system. No air can be drawn in and the system remains static until the pumping begins again.

  • Eventually all remaining air and any gas formed in the system finds its way to the valve housing and when pumping begins again they are expelled through the valve.